
Saturday 2 November 2013

Day 7: Make a collage on things you would like to have or already have

I had a good think about things l would like to have in life and have made a combination of most girls dreams.  I would love a pair of baby pink givenchy heels and a celine Paris hot pink handbag.  I would love that perfect walk in wardrobe where everything fitted perfectly and looked good on me as well as having a perfect collection of perfumes.  I want a puppy that I can carry around and love.  
   When I was little I used to dream of my house, clear long windows with a swimming pool and in a hot sunny location.  Going back to day 2 I want to have a wedding my one in a million and wear that white dress we all dream of as children.  In a way I would like to have fame and fortune but not too much of it.  I wouldn't want it to ruin my life but I would like to meet some celebrities and be on the front of a magazine.  
    The last thing I want is something that I already have which is friendship.  Friendship is really important to me and the one thing I want to have is to find some amazing people and create more friendships as I always say you can never have too many friends.

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