
Sunday 21 December 2014

5 Films You Have To Watch

There are so many movies out there but instead of wasting your time on a boring movie you won't like here are the top 5 films you must watch in ascending order:

5. Divergent 

Now the film only came out last year but it's sequel is highly anticipated and leaves you hanging on your seat.  It not only has some new upcoming actors but an interesting storyline which features action, romance and drama.

4. Limitless

A film based on the idea of taking a pill that allows you to use 100% of the brain which could turn you into a millionaire.  The film has Bradley Cooper and Robert De Niro and shows the problems faced when reliant on drugs.  The interesting concept of the film which can be based on real life is what makes it unique.

3.  The Dark Knight 

Not being a fan of th batman movies when I first went to see this I didn't expect much but it proved me wrong and has worked its way into my top list.  The action aspect film is what makes it thrilling but the best aspect that makes the film is Heath Ledger.  He not only brings darkness to the film but also comedy.

2.  Slumdog Millionaire 

Based partly on a true story Slumdog Millionaire is an Academy Award winning film based on an 18 year old kid from the slums who gets the chance to go on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire.  The film is emotional but it has a good storyline showing how everything can lead to one moment and the harsh reality of what life is like for some people.

1.  Shawshank Redemption

This unexpected film has never won an award but has been called the best film of all time by numerous newspapers and critics.  It looks at the life of a criminal and someone who was wrongly convicted whilst featuring the theme of an eternal friendship.

Friday 14 November 2014

5 Tips On How To Choose The Right Sixth Form

Recently I have had to start thinking about sixth forms and what the next step of my life might be and there is nothing I dread more.  So here is a little advice I would give to anyone: 

1) Make sure you aren't doing what your parents want but make sure you do what YOU want.  Your parents can give good advice but you have to do what makes you happy in life and what is achievable. Don't take A Levels if you think you will struggle and not enjoy them, there are other options out there!

2) Don't go somewhere just because that is where your friend is going.  You have to make sure you are going to a school you want and not just go because all your friends are going.  Sometimes it's good to go to different places to gain more friends and meet people when you can be yourself.

3) When picking the right school you should know after looking around.  I have been to so many open days I can't tell you and I know when I walk away if it is a possible option or not because I can tell if I think I will like it

4) Don't not go to somewhere because of rumours.  When I went to look at a local school everyone laughed at me from my old school because they said "I know someone who goes there...she's a chav and so I everyone else" when really they've heard of one person who goes there so assume everyone there must be like her.  Don't assume or listen to the rumours but I on the facts and what you thought.

5) Finally when you look around the school the best advice I could give is a) go to the talk to see what the head is like and what they are saying (it could be interesting) b) talk to the teachers and students so you know what the course will entail but also get a students view on the subject c) don't just visit subjects you've done before or subjects you think will look best for universities but look at subjects that interest you whether you've taken them for GCSE or not you could find you love it 

Thursday 13 November 2014

Quote of the Week

"There are moments when I wish I could roll back the clock and take all the sadness away, but I have the feeling that if I did, the joy would be gone as well."

Nicholas Sparks (A Walk To Remember)

Reasons why Made in Chelsea has lost its touch

Being a keen lover of not just in particular MIC but most reality TV shows I never thought the day would come when I had to say MIC isn't what it used to be.  The day has come today and here is a rundown on all the reasons why.

1. The Scripts get reused

Ever watched a MIC episode and thought I swear I've heard this before? De ja vu maybe? Well you wouldn't be wrong.  Most of the time the writers struggle to think of what the actors sorry reality stars could say so they use the old scripts to give a helping hand. 

2. The Storylines also get reused 

Again the writers struggle to think of something interesting so they like to stick to what they know which of course is a cheating drama. De ja vu again?

3. Alex Mytton

At first he came across as slightly one of the more likeable characters of the show for being down to earth and honest but unfortunately he changed his ways and decided to become one of the 'bois' which really isn't an achievement.  Not that cheating on your girlfriend 5 times was. Or lying about it for months. Oh and then he slept with his best friends ex just to top off how honest and down to earth he is.

4. They are not relateable or likeable in the slightest

The girls used to be likeable while you were allowed to hate on characters like Pheobe and Louise you could support Lucy and Binky because they came across well and always said the right things.  However this all came crashing down when Pheobe left the show and there was no one to hate on and Louise wanted to be the likeable character she so obviously isn't.  Now the show is left with a bunch of girls who are all completely delusional thinking they are right and unlikeable cast members.

5. The Thompsons

Louise has and always will be the most annoying character on the series for letting her boyfriend cheat on her and then ever since cheating on all her boyfriends at least once. Not only that but she so obviously isn't posh so she should probably stop pretending.  If she doesn't already sound annoying enough she has a brother. Could it get any worse? Well actually it can because would you believe the only thing more annoying than Louise Thompson is Sam Thompson.

6. Hiring cast members purely on their names

Not saying the cast members ever started with normal names like Caggie, Binky, Proudlock or Gabilicious but now if you want to get in your going to have to change your name to something like Toff or Alik or Lonan. That or you have to have a sibling on the show. 

Saturday 25 October 2014

Quote of the Week

"When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ‘happy’. They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life"

John Lennon

Coming Back

Last year I gave up on my blogging after figuring it wasn't getting me anyway and since my views weren't exploding up I didn't feel like anyone was reading.  However I forgot the reason I started was to not only write but inspire, entertain and tell people stories, reviews and experiences and somewhere along the way I got lost on my purpose.  You don't need millions of hits to be writing though you just need a passion and that's exactly what I have.

Monday 16 December 2013

Looking For Alaska by John Green Review

I read this book in the summer and whilst being quite sad and maybe a little depressing the book was heartwarming and motivational in a weird kind of way.  The book is about a boy trying to find a purpose in life by moving to a boarding school and meeting new people.  The main person in his eyes though is Alaska who is slightly more rebellious and grown up.  This book will leave you sitting thinking about your entire existence and what life is.  The book inspired me in a weird kind of way to run at life because it may not be as long as we think.