
Saturday 9 November 2013

Story: Settling In

The lines in my palms were starting to sweat and a heat starting hitting to come over me, giving me one of my headaches.  I walked behind them all whilst eavesdropping on their conversation.  They mostly talked about a recent party they had where they all got so drunk that one girl ended up in hospital.  That made me even more nervous.  What if they made me that girl?
   Cassy turned round 'You alright?' 
'Yeah' I replied with a smile.  I know it may sound like the same story as my old school but it was different.  I had to keep telling myself that.  I had to hope that things would be different because I can't go back. Ever.
    I started to chat away to them until they said that one question that always scared me "So how come you left your school?" I never knew how to answer it and I didn't want to lie but it was too complicated to tell them the truth right now.  I still had to figure out everything before I could start explaining things.  
   In my head I kept thinking 'keep your guard up. Don't let it down, if you do it will all be over'.
"Just fell out with some girls."
They nodded their heads.  I got the impression that lots of people moved to the school for the same reason or maybe we all just used the same excuse.   The school seemed to pick most of its kids up through the years and almost reminded me of a refuge.  I was part of it now and would probably be the last to join.
   Me and Cassy started to joke around and I felt like myself again.  Things were starting to work out and hopefully it would stay that way.

Saturday 2 November 2013

Day 7: Make a collage on things you would like to have or already have

I had a good think about things l would like to have in life and have made a combination of most girls dreams.  I would love a pair of baby pink givenchy heels and a celine Paris hot pink handbag.  I would love that perfect walk in wardrobe where everything fitted perfectly and looked good on me as well as having a perfect collection of perfumes.  I want a puppy that I can carry around and love.  
   When I was little I used to dream of my house, clear long windows with a swimming pool and in a hot sunny location.  Going back to day 2 I want to have a wedding my one in a million and wear that white dress we all dream of as children.  In a way I would like to have fame and fortune but not too much of it.  I wouldn't want it to ruin my life but I would like to meet some celebrities and be on the front of a magazine.  
    The last thing I want is something that I already have which is friendship.  Friendship is really important to me and the one thing I want to have is to find some amazing people and create more friendships as I always say you can never have too many friends.

Friday 1 November 2013

Day 6: Find a picture that inspires you

I am reading 'The Perks of being a Wallflower' and love the book.  I love the quote that is repeated throughout the book 'We are infinite.'  At first when I read it I didn't understand the quote and scanned my eyes by it but because of the repetition in the quote it made me start to think about the meaning more. 
     I think what it means is that there are moments in life where we feel untouchable and like we are at the top of the mountain or at a peak in our lives.  Those moments make us feel like we could live forever and could do anything. Also it makes me feel like the possibilities in life are 'infinite' and we have no limit unless we set ourselves one.
    This picture inspires me to keep going through the bad times and gives me hope that good will be coming soon and I will feel infinite again, and it will all be worth it.