
Saturday 26 October 2013

Day 2: Find a picture of something you would like to have

What would I like to have in life? A pair of louboutins? An unlimited supply of paco rabonne perfume? A walk in wardrobe with perfect clothes that suited me? Well of course! But the question I thought about was what would I like to find most in life? And that would have to be love.  Of course being loved by your friends and family is great but how about finding your soulmate or not even that but just getting lost in love with someone else.  
   The picture features all the sweet part of young love including that kiss in the rain that ends every good girly romance movie as well as celebrity love.  Love is holding hands and guiding each other through life. It's being able to lean on each other and know that person will always be by your side. It's becoming a different person, but at the same time remaining yourself, and when ever you're with him you are fearless and nothing else in the world could possibly matter (hint the movie scene where they don't care that it is raining because they are too busy kissing).
    Love for me is the one thing I wish I had and something that I will try and find and hopefully one day I will.

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