
Tuesday 22 October 2013

Story: Animal Essay

We trundled down the long path scuffing up the dirt and kicking a stone we had found about two miles back between us.  I only ever went on the walks for Ali because she loves going on long walks but today it looked as if I would have been better off leaving her in bed.  It was noon and no doubt she had probably been asleep until an hour ago.  Her eyes were only half open and her walk was so slow that it made the path feel like it went on for ever.  She held a large packet of fattening crisps in her hands and she started to lick her fingers as she finally finished the packet off.  "Wake Up Ali! Honestly I only come on these walks for you!"
"Fine I'll be more active!"
She stopped, closed her eyes and when she opened them she suddenly looked brighter like energy had just been pumped into her blood stream.  She tended to get bursts of energy and all of a sudden her pace dramatically picked up leaving me fumbling behind her.
"I'm really hungry,"she moaned.   I gave her a look and as she stared blankly back at me, I moved my eyes to the crisp packet hinting to her that she had just eaten but Ali was always hungry. She rolled he eyes at me because I always continuously told her that she should eat less and be more healthy.
"So how is Maisy?"I asked.
"We're not friends anymore." She said blankly.
"She tried to steal my boyfriend."
I sighed and smiled to myself. I didn't like to laugh at her but I just loved when she uses the word 'steal'. One thing you should know about Ali is that her boyfriend is like her territory, you just don't go there. If you did then that was the end of your existence to her. I knew how overpowering she could be and I knew how dearly she cared for her boyfriend so if anyone were to try and 'steal' him from her then there would probably be some sort of fight and Ali certainly had the courage to start one.
"So have you been by yourself a lot?"
"A bit but I don't mind. I can be by myself."
That was true but I also knew how much Ali loved to socialise with others and today she didn't  quite look herself. Her face usually garnished with make up and potions beforehand was unusually bare.
"Don't worry about me Katie! Honest. I can look after myself. I know you like me to have friends but I have moral rule in my head and this girl crossed into my territory."
I smiled into her fierce eyes and I knew she wasn't lying. She reminded me of some sort of animal. The way she talked about territory, always wanting to sleep, always eating, her great care in self appearance, the long walks, having the courage of..that's it! She was just like a lion

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